Automatic Vehicle Washing Equipment

PCS pioneered the PDQ LaserWash down under and are the main distributor of PDQ vehicle washing equipment in New Zealand since 1998. In this time PCS has installed more than 60 PDQ carwash units from Auckland in the north to as far south as Invercargill.
PCS started with the original PDQ LaserWash 4000 TouchFree unit, of which the majority are still in operation today throughout the country. PDQ followed up the LaserWash 4000 with the M5 LaserWash. The M5 was a big leap in technology from the 4000, moving from PLC’s to PC based intelligent controls.
In 2009 PDQ launched the current LaserWash 360 unit, the world’s leading TouchFree unit for productivity revenue generation and ongoing customer satisfaction. This has been improved even further with the LaserWash 360 Plus, the gold standard of vehicle wash units.

The LaserWash 360 Plus offers revenue enhancement and total cost of ownership improvements as the main focus. This TouchFree vehicle wash system delivers the industry’s best return on investment as the car wash customers just keep on washing.